The Clinical Diagnostic Research (CDR) Network is a multidisciplinary network of Australian experts in genomic research, diagnostics and clinical care. The network meets regularly to discuss genomic initiatives, issues and opportunities and to share the latest advancements in the field. The network also provides a forum for Australian Genomics and external stakeholders to engage the nation’s genomic experts in nationally and internationally significant initiatives.
Specialist working groups have also been established in genomic diagnostics, research and clinical services. These working groups meet regularly to consider gaps and opportunities in research and clinical care, provide expert advice and drive collaborative projects and activities.
The Future Diagnostic Technologies Working Group is a specialist group that identifies emerging genomic technologies with the potential to significantly impact on healthcare. It brings together subject matter experts to share knowledge, troubleshoot barriers to implementing technology and establish collaborative projects to help transition new technologies into clinics and hospitals.
Current technologies focused on include RNA sequencing (including somatic RNAseq), long-read sequencing and other ‘omics – including epigenomics, proteomics, metabolomics and integrative ‘omics.
Together, the CDR Network and its specialist working groups facilitate a multidisciplinary, nationally coordinated approach to Australia’s genomic research, diagnostics and clinical services, informed by the nation’s genomic experts and the latest developments in the field.
Project Leads
Professor John Christodoulou
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Professor Hamish Scott
SA Pathology
Professor Julie McGaughran
Genetic Health Queensland
Professor Sally Dunwoodie
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute
Project Coordinator
Dr Tessa Mattiske