Despite chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular conditions being over-represented in Indigenous communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have historically been marginalised in genomics. This public health program, lead by Mrs Azure Hermes from the National Centre for Indigenous Genomics (NCIG), builds on established collaborations and programs to co-develop appropriate genetic and genomic messaging and resources for Indigenous peoples.
In partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Organisations (ACCHOs), this project will increase genomic and genetic health knowledge within Indigenous Communities, and identify what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people need to know to support choices regarding genetic health and genomic research. The resources developed by this program will be adapted and utilised by ACCHOs and Indigenous Communities, empowering those communities to take ownership over their genomic information and decisions, and will also be made available, by negotiation with partners and Communities, to Australian Genomics and supported projects.
Project Lead
Mrs Azure Hermes
National Centre for Indigenous Genomics (NCIG), ANU