When Virtual seminar on 27 October 2022, 8am – 8.50am (AEDT)
Where Online. Link will be provided in the invite.
Registration Registration is free and available here.
Join Australian Genomics’ DNA dialogue seminar for October: “Life-cycle health technology assessment: real-world evidence for precision medicine ” featuring A/Prof Dean Regier from BC Cancer at the University of British Columbia (Canada).
Precision medicine challenges conventional thinking about health technology assessment (HTA). BC Cancer proposes a life-cycle HTA framework to manage evidentiary uncertainties based on real-world data collected from learning healthcare systems.
About the speaker
Dr Regier is a Senior Scientist at BC Cancer and an Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia. Over the past 15 years Dr Regier’s research has examined the economics of precision medicine, focusing on generating real-world evidence for sustainable healthcare. He has presented his work at leading institutions, with invitations from the US National Academies of Sciences, Harvard University, and Oxford. He is principle investigator for the Canadian Network for Learning Healthcare Systems and Cost-Effective ‘Omics Innovation (CLEO), funded by Genome Canada. CLEO is a patient-partnered project created to inform the design of learning healthcare systems that turn genomic knowledge into sustainable healthcare.
About DNA dialogue
With the wealth of genomic expertise internationally, this seminar series is a forum for members of the genomics community in Australia and beyond to learn of new developments in health genomics, and the overseas experience.
The topics will be diverse, including data sharing, ethics, carrier screening, cancer genomics, genomics in emerging health systems, and more.
DNA dialogue seminars will be held live via zoom on the last Thursday of each month at 8am (AEDT). Registration is open to anyone working in, or impacted by, medical genomics. You can register for the event here and we encourage you to spread the word about this series.
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