When Virtual seminar on 24 November 2022, 8am – 8.50am (AEDT)
Where Online. Link will be provided in the invite.
Registration Registration is free and available here.
Join Australian Genomics’ DNA dialogue seminar for November: “Transforming health in Singapore through precision medicine” featuring Prof Patrick Tan from PRECISE Singapore.
Singapore, like many other countries, faces evolving healthcare demands, driven by a rapidly ageing population and increased prevalence of chronic diseases. Precision medicine (PM) is an innovative data-driven medical approach where scientists and doctors take into consideration the patient’s genetic background, lifestyle and environmental factors to pre-empt the development of diseases, deliver accurate diagnosis and optimise treatments.
In Singapore, the National Precision Medicine (NPM) programme is a whole-of-government approach to explore how PM should be best deployed to transform healthcare, drive research and clinical innovation, propel growth and create value propositions to uplift the local biomed tech industry. Through NPM, we hope to preserve health and improve health outcomes through a data-driven medical approach to provide Singaporeans with the highest quality of life.
About the speaker
Prof Patrick Tan is the Executive Director of PRECISE and will oversee the implementation of Phase II of Singapore’s National Precision Medicine Strategy, which aims to transform healthcare in Singapore and improve patient outcomes through new insights into the Asian genome and data-driven healthcare solutions. During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Prof Tan was Programme Director of Operation Stronghold, establishing one of Singapore’s largest COVID-19 testing facilities through a joint effort involving A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), National University Health System, and Temasek Holdings. Prof Tan is also Executive Director of the Genome Institute of Singapore and Professor at the Duke-NUS Medical School. He received his B.A. (summa cum laude) from Harvard University and MD PhD degree from Stanford University, where he received the Charles Yanofsky prize for Most Outstanding Graduate Thesis in Physics, Biology or Chemistry.
About DNA dialogue
With the wealth of genomic expertise internationally, this seminar series is a forum for members of the genomics community in Australia and beyond to learn of new developments in health genomics, and the overseas experience.
The topics are diverse, including data sharing, ethics, carrier screening, cancer genomics, genomics in emerging health systems, and more.
DNA dialogue seminars are held live via zoom on the last Thursday of each month at 8am (AEDT). Registration is open to anyone working in, or impacted by, medical genomics. You can register for the event here and we encourage you to spread the word about this series.
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