Event details
When 24-27 November 2022
Where Perth, Western Australia (and online)
Registration Event details and registration available here
The Human Genetics Society of Australasia will host its 45th Annual Scientific Meeting from 24 to 27 November 2022 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, in Perth WA, as well as online*.
This year’s theme, “Life Languages: Ancient Stories, New Conversations”, will emphasise recent developments in genetics and genomics, with an array of exceptional speakers covering different areas of our discipline.
The program will cover various aspects of human genetics and genomics, with the committee planning sessions around the following themes:
- New Developments, New Conversations
- Phenotyping and Ontology
- Underrepresented Groups
- New Experiences of Disease Education
- Ethics and Social Issues
Leading international and local luminaries will be presenting over the three days of the conference, as well as in the Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings which are held on the Thursday prior to the Conference.
The meeting will also include an extensive industry exhibition, submitted oral and poster presentations, and a number of networking opportunities.
Register online. Early bird registration ends on 7 October 2022.
*Plenary sessions will be live streamed. Concurrent sessions will be recorded and provided on-demand post conference.