During the past five years, Australian Genomics worked with 12 rare disease and six cancer ‘flagships’, or cohort studies, to develop and tailor consent forms for a range of different genomic testing research. Building on these consent forms, Australian Genomics has developed research consent templates for use by other genomic research studies, including:
- A draft Participant/Parent/Guardian Information and Consent Form (PICF/PGICF) template for research studies offering diagnostic genomic testing (pending ethical review).
- A draft Participant Information and Consent Form (PICF) template for research studies offering predictive genomic testing. This template includes the option for participants to consent to study participation but decline genomic testing (e.g. where a decliner survey is included in the study).
A genomic test fact sheet will be available soon. In the interim, you may wish to use the clinical genomic test fact sheet as a template, available here.
Tessa Mattiske